
allez les bleus!

you know it: the coup de boule de m. zidane, who is now my favorite, ever. of course you want to see it again! (and in french! commentator: "et pour quoi? et pour QUOI???")

we watched at the bar tabac, french HQ in brooklyn (packed! with mostly native french speakers), which leads me to the following question:
why is it sometimes necessary to cheer ALLEZ LES BLEUS! but then sometimes necessary to cheer ALLEZ-Y BLEU(S)?

im really fuzzy on the (im sure very necessary) distinction here.
is it that sometimes you only want one bleu to go, instead of all the individual bleus? is the -Y without the LES a little more emphatic, or is it like GO TEAM vs GO TO IT, GET TO IT, GO GET EM, GO HEADBUTT THAT ASSHOLE OF A DEFENDER? im confused.

god, looking forward to sleeping at home tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure you're right -- it's just a subtle semantic distinction. Like the difference in English between GO TEAM! and GO TO IT!, as you suggest. Or, to ignore the fact that the French say Allez-y all the time and take it literally, GO THERE! There, of course, being an insulting Italian defender's sternum, or even somewhere between his goalposts.

10/7/06 20:46  

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