
thanks to ka, i still get my occasional bit of juneau gossip, which despite being utterly unjustifiable i indulge in; so, a holdover from days of yore. rory-palooza (conjures a montage of a stoop, a few flyers, and a lot of looks between me & alison saying "my their tea was very nice but now theyre getting a little creepy, i wish theyd shut up about the K-Y, although [me: he does look rather pretty in that towel]/[alison: i cant decide which of the other two i like more..although...maybe i dont have to decide]") apparently has (had?) an '06 sequel, bubba-palooza.

i miss being overwhelmed by how comic - how happy-absurdist, happy-drunk, comic that town is.

though i wish shed spend more time at the alaskan, we all know how its my favorite, and of course has my favorite barkeep - though it
is quite a toss-up between "i like polka dots" (best. postit. ever.) and "i cant believe wait an email address? was i that drunk?" - and i, being not at all dissatisfied in NY but feeling that, perhaps, there are other places id rather be, need to live vicariously.

mmmft. lame.


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