
one more thing.

the fact that im a temp, and that its only been two days, and that ive met all of three people who actually work for brune & richard, aside: in reading the cv-bios of their lawyers on the website, ive gleaned that the firm was (in all namesake probability) founded by two ladies who got their JDs from harvard and have unabashedly scalding academic reps (its a par-three of mcl, a fellowship/scholarship, and an award per phase of study - undergrad, a casual masters because you really do love academia, or at least one seriously badass internship [recalling a planned parenthood and some whitehouse action here], and law school). and then their chosen comrades, all listed proudly name space space space where they got their latest degree from. the heartening, and intriguing, part being this: theres a lot of women, and a lot of youth, and a lot - despite the overwhelming knowledge that half of working there is networking, and half is being an incredible overachiever, and that these two must coexist, each one supporting the other (the networking part balancing a possible lack of experience for the ubertalented youth, and the ubertalented youth bringing value to the concept of networking, which in all too many instances is just the easiest way to decide or do a favor) - of wholesale balls-to-the-wall-ness to it (which if youre minus networking maybe isnt so good, but im running with this for now). so maybe law school. which is going to require some almost stupidly intense planning on my part (still better than trying to do a JD/PhD ahem), but at the very least its something to get inspired about, and seriously consider, and yes i know i need a job for the immediate, pressing, bill-paying future, and ive hardly gotten over the fact that im not in AK, but im not about to toss some well-missed, ill-used ambition out the window now that its decided to show up again.


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