
it is impossible to get to maine. actually, its impossible to get anywhere, looking at what the trains are (or, more relevantly, arent) doing this weekend. in other news, my air conditioner is finally out of my one window, so ive been reintroduced to this "daylight" loveliness. sadly, ive been cleaning all morning, and now that i finally have the entire apartments laundry (eg the tablecloth which has been absorbing various take-out chinese sauces since before i moved in - thats an awful lot of chinese, let me tell you; not to mention the process of cleaning off the table, period, to get to the tablecloth was an hour-long project in itself, what with the past-due notices and, ironically, laudry detergents obstructing my path) together im rather bewildered at the concept of actually hauling it all down to my laundromat, where i sit and read because although id love to watch the soap operas theyre in spanish. and then i need a box to ship some presents in but have no idea how to go about obtaining one; i know ive done this before, idiot child, but ive completely forgotten how. all of which assumes i make it to a post office before five, which is looking less and less likely, and so may have to be done in the twee hours of tomorrow morning. and god only knows what tomorrow is going to be up to in spite of me, but i will at least squeeze in a viewing of ANTM episode 2 with the k, since we still cant find a place (being tv-less ourselves) to watch it when it actually airs. also red wine or maybe mojitos, if were going to be all sassy-fancy. faaaaah off to the laundromat, as soon as i find some clothes that arent slated for the washing.

edit. im not moving. im just cleaning. all day long. for ever and ever amen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey

sorry about the cancel, but i think that's what you wanted anyway. plus, to make up for it, i have a tv now. no idea if it gets the right channel, but we can make potential-and-contingent-on-reception plans to antm it on the appropriate day of the week in the future. will the excitement never end?


1/10/06 10:21  

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